Senior Insurance Training Services gives to you …
5 Why’s
On this tenth day of Christmas, it’s time to step up your game to help more people buy LTC Insurance in 2019 and beyond.
How will you do that?
Today, we’ll ask you to start playing the Socratic long game and ask your prospects more and better questions.
Let’s roll play:
You, Super Agent: Ms. Prospect, why do you feel planning for your future long-term care needs is important?
Ms. Prospect: Well, I’ve seen what happens with my own family members when they failed to plan for their long-term care needs.
You: Why do you think they failed to plan?
Prospect: I think they believed it happens to others and wouldn’t happen to them.
You: Why do you see it differently than they did?
Prospect: I’ve just given more thought to who would care for me. I don’t want to be a burden to my daughter.
You: Why is that important to you?
Prospect: I want her to enjoy her own life and focus on my grandchildren, not on me.
You: Why do you want to take action now?
Prospect: I’ve seen what long-term care can do to a family. I know I need to take action now while I’m still healthy.
What if you stopped asking why after your first “why” question?
You would know your Prospect was aware of the possibility of needing long-term care in the future.
But you wouldn’t know they didn’t want to be a burden for their daughter, the importance of her grandchildren and her awareness that her health can change at anytime.
Ask more why’s … and help more people buy.
Let’s Ask You Why?
- Why are you thinking about helping more people plan for their future long-term care needs in 2019 and beyond?
- Why do you feel you can reach more prospects and clients now than you have in the past?
- Why do you think mastering both Partnership and Hybrid products is essential?
- Why do you believe your LTC Insurance selling skills are where they are today?
- Why haven’t you signed up for our LTC Education Package yet?
You surely have your own questions about why you aren’t helping more people plan for the future long-term care needs.
The good news, on this tenth of Christmas 2018, is we have the answers you need.